The new ABCs are (a)dvocacy + (b)eauty that's (c)lean!
Photo credit: Beautycounter; Linda D Hope, the Cleanbeautynista, living her best life!
I’ve been an advocate since I was a child. Ask Nathan Ling if he regrets throwing rocks at my younger sister while she was living her best life in our fill up pool.
It came as no surprise when I took the 16 Personalities personality test which is the updated version of a Myers-Briggs test. I am an INFJ, one personality of four that is a Diplomat, intuitive (N) and feeling (F) folks are known for their empathy, diplomatic skills, and passionate idealism. I’m also introverted (I) and judging (J). The four of these INFJ make me an Advocate. We’re rare, and yet, I know so many INFJs…ha! From the 16 Personalities website, and consistent with my lived experience, “Advocates generally strive to do what’s right – and they want to help create a world where others do the right thing as well. People with this personality type may feel called to use their strengths – including creativity, imagination, and sensitivity – to uplift others and spread compassion.”
I can attest to this statement, “Nothing lights up Advocates like creating a solution that changes people’s lives.” While I look at my enneagram (9w1) and my INFJ personality as a means to fully embrace myself, it’s not a box which is why this is poignant and is my “why” for why I’ve chosen to embrace conscious + aligned consumerism and conscious + aligned living with beautycounter. “In truth, Advocate personalities can do well in any field. To be truly happy, however, they need to find work that aligns with their values and allows them some independence. Advocates crave opportunities to learn and grow alongside the people they are helping. When this happens, Advocates may finally feel as if they are fulfilling their life’s mission, contributing to the well-being of humanity on a personal level.”
I am so thrilled to be learning and growing alongside my Mentor and sister friend Neeshea Ho-Shing as well as her Mentor and a sister friend to both of us, Tatum Blize. We are Black and brown women committed to our communities. We advocate for beauty that’s clean and understand the ramifications when people who look like us are unable to swap out personal care products that contain harmful ingredients for ones that do not.
To be part of a company that literally marches to Washington, DC to respectfully talk to lawmakers about changing laws (the last major law governing cosmetics was passed in 1938 - yes, almost 85 years ago!). During my beauty PR days I learned about unsafe ingredients so it’s amazing to continue to learn about the ingredients that should never be in our personal care products (i.e., skincare and makeup) and know that I never have to worry about Beautycounter including any of those nasty ingredients in my products.
As a new (breastfeeding) mama, I’m especially mindful of all the things. This is one less thing I have to be thinking about. So why am I here? Because I’m an advocate and I am practicing looking after mysefl, being a conscious + aligned consumer is part of that.
Interested in anything I’ve said, let’s chat. Check out this video celebrating eight great years!
Want to join this ride, I’m here for it! Want less of a commitment, become a Band of Beauty member!